Monday, June 12, 2017

What Started It All...

Whether it be a public speaking event, a book signing, or a radio show, I'm always asked what got me into the field of paranormal investigation, or "Afterlife Research" as I like to put it. Before I tell the story, let me clarify the last statement. While technically I am a paranormal investigator, the word "paranormal" encompasses anything that is not scientifically explainable. I currently do not, nor have I in the past, investigated UFO's cryptozoological events, or done an extensive study in extra-sensory phenomena. That's not to say I won't in the future, I just don't now and haven't in the past.
Data analysis during a 2008 investigation. is it that a simple Colorado girl became the Afterlife Researcher that I am today? It all started when I was active duty in the U.S. Air Force. The base where I was stationed was in the process of converting their hospital morgue into a physical therapy department. As a low-ranking grunt on the proverbial totem pole, I was tasked with cleanup during the remodel process. This essentially consisted of wearing a dust mask and sweeping up asbestos and concrete dust from the demolition process. One day, I was returning from lunchtime chow when I saw a young man standing in the construction area. He was very clean cut with ruggedly handsome features and a flat-top haircut. He was just as tangible as the screen you're looking at to read this post - not transparent or wispy. There was something odd about him though. The military uniform of the time was the green camouflage battle dress uniform (BDU). He was wearing the OG combat fatigues of long ago and looked confused and out of place. I don't recall seeing a name or rank on his uniform, but I wasn't focused on that at the time. I walked toward him and asked if there was something I could help him with. He looked at me, looked away, then walked through a cinderblock wall and vanished! It didn't occur to me to be frightened and later I called my mom to tell her about what had transpired. For the rest of my detail in the former morgue, I looked for the man, but never saw him again. 
Looking through a Rhode Island headstone hoping to catch a
glimpse of the resident ghost. 2010

From then on, I read every book I could get my hands on. The Internet was in its infancy and paranormal television programs hadn't yet been developed. I read books by legends such as Hans Holzer and Ed Warren. I experimented with analog tape recorders, a Polaroid camera and a compass. Eventually, I figured out what I was doing and began conducting my research. Since then, my equipment has become more more technical, I have refined skills, techniques, and theories, developed research programs that prove paranormal investigation (more specifically, ghost hunting) can be conducted scientifically and built one of the longest-running and most successful investigative research organizations in the state of Colorado. Not bad for a girl from Podunk, right?

Now, some reading this might think that I am being braggadocious or condescending. That is not my intent. My goal is simply to inform and educate - to show others that, if you put enough effort into something, the rewards can be vast.

So that's how a small-town girl came to be the badass investigator she is today. I love what I do and love providing help to people as well as sharing my knowledge with others. My advice for individuals who are thinking about embarking on this journey:

  • Find a mentor or mentor organization. Look up reputable teams with longevity and glean as much knowledge from them as you possibly can. Don't try to go it alone - that path is fraught with struggle and frustration. Reputable organizations would rather have newcomers they can mold and teach, as opposed to inexperienced and uneducated individuals who can potentially make bad situations worse. 
  • Read books - as many as you can get your hands on! Books are your friends! Not everything you see on TV and on the Internet is fact, most is fabricated for entertainment. 
  • Finally, ask questions. Contact people in the field whom you admire and seek their advice and wisdom. Never stop asking. No one person is an expert in this field, but there are a few of us who are very knowledgeable and can shed light on even the most stubborn situations. 
If you're interested in learning more about my particular research projects or working theories, you can always visit my website: There you can learn all about why we do what we do, the Ouija controversy, the ABC's of EVP and of course, you can learn about those pesky ORBS! Happy hunting! ❤