Miss me?
I'll try to keep this post short and sweet. I was a guest on Vegas Supernatural Radio this evening and I was reminded by the host, Shawn "The Rev" Whittington, that I have this blog floating around in cyberspace. I'd forgotten I'd even started this little project, hence why I haven't made any entries in it since 2012...that would be five years if you're not mathematically inclined. (Yes, I had to do a quick count on my fingers!)
A lot has happened in those five years. I'm still investigating things that go "bump" in the night and running CCPI, which I was informed this evening is one of the foremost teams in the country. I honestly had no idea about that, but it warms my heart because I have, quite literally, put blood, sweat, and tears into it. There are new faces on the team and a new web address: http://CCPI-Paranormal.com
I have five books out now, as opposed to two when I last posted. I now have two fiction books, two non-fiction books and one children's book on the market. I'm currently working on book #6 - a non-fiction piece about Haunted Glenwood Springs, Colorado that is being published by The History Press, which is a subsidiary of Arcadia Publishing - the largest publisher of non-fiction books in the U.S. My deadline is January 18. 2018 and the book is expected to drop in time for Halloween next year.
The guy I thought was possibly Mr. Right five years ago, wasn't. I'm kind of seeing someone right now. He's absolutely brilliant, and a paranormal enthusiast to boot, but, despite the fact that I really really like him, it's long distance and we're still in the beta test phase, so we'll see how that goes. I know I'm not getting any younger, but as I had posted many moons ago, I'm a hopeless romantic and still believe in "happily ever after". Now that I think about it, I may just be a glutton for punishment...ha ha.
The offspring is 16 now and, for the first time in my life, I'm living on my own. Until 6 months ago, I had always lived with a roommate, family member, spouse or significant other. I wasn't sure I was going to like being on my own at first, but now it's kinda grown on me. The boy comes home during spring and summer vacations, as well as rotating holidays. It still sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before, but I have the privilege of having to accept it for what it is. 😩
Oh yeah, I also have a cat! His given name is Coco, but I call him "Bubba Lou". Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know. He's a kleptomaniac and I have to clean out his hiding places regularly in order to find things that have mysteriously disappeared, such as measuring spoons, pens, packages of incense, and occasionally, my keys or purse. I found a cache of drinking straws and cotton balls not too long ago. I think he may have been channeling his inner Jerry Mouse.
I guess that pretty much sums things up. I will do my best to keep this thing updated since it appears people do read it. Thanks "Rev" for the reminder!